Call for Students

Dear students, it is our great pleasure to announce and invite you to the eleventh international language conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication between Cultures, which will take place at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad. Since you have profession-related language courses, we believe that it would be great to have contributions from your perspective.

This two-day event brings together LSP professionals, researchers, and students for thought-provoking sessions and discussions on current and emerging trends in LSP teaching and learning, covering the following topics:

  • Role of languages for specific purposes in the 21st century

  • Intercultural dimension of an LSP course

  • Use of technology in LSP courses

  • Digital genres in academic settings

  • Authentic and adapted materials in an LSP course

  • Learning language for specific purposes – students’ perspective

  • Globalization and intercultural communication

Abstract submission

If you are interested in giving a talk, delivering a workshop or presenting a poster at the conference, you are invited to submit an abstract in English or German of 200 to 250 words by no later than 20 June 2022. 

To submit your abstract please go to this LINK

Abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in the e-Book of Abstracts.


Talks (in English or German) should be no more than 30 minutes in length with 5 minutes for questions or a short discussion. Workshops (in English or German) should last 45 minutes.


The authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit their full papers. The deadline for full paper submission is 15 October 2022. The organizing committee is considering all options for paper publications and will inform the authors shortly of the final decision.

Conference fee

Conference fee for students is 15 EUR

Important dates

April 2022

Call for abstracts opened

20 June 2022

Abstract submission deadline

30 June 2022

Notification of acceptance

10 July 2022

01 September 2022

Registration and conference fee payment deadline (PRESENTERS)

Registration and conference fee payment deadline (LISTENERS)

15 October 2022

Full paper submission deadline

For more information, please contact the organizing committee at  

We look forward to meeting you in Novi Sad. 

The Conference Organizing Committee.